Rock Music From The Leather & Lace CD By Lock & Load
Band Members
Have you ever looked at the moon at night
Have you ever walked on the beach
Have you ever stared at the stars so bright
far away but so close you can reach
As the road goes on for miles on end
and the skies are painted so blue
I will count the days 'til I come home
I'll be home in a week or two
As the road goes on for miles on end
and the skies are painted so blue
I will count the days 'til I come home
I'll be home in a week or two
Have you ever been on a sailing ship
Have you ever sailed the high seas
Have you ever found what you're looking for
If you have will you share it with me
As the road goes on for miles on end
and the skies are painted so blue
I will count the days 'til I come home
I'll be home in a week or two
As the road goes on for miles on end
and the skies are painted so blue
I will count the days 'til I come home
I'll be home in a week or two
As the road goes on for miles on end
and the skies are painted so blue
I will count the days 'til I come home
I'll be home in a week or two
As the road goes on for miles on end
and the skies are painted so blue
I will count the days 'til I come home
I'll be home in a week or two
I'll be home in a week or two
Just to be with you.
Recommended Hash Tags: #RockMusic #ClassicRock #RockandRoll #RockSong #80sRock #80sRockMusic #RockandRollMusic #RockBands #80sRockBands #ClassicRockBands #SongHomeInAWeekOrTwo #BandLockandLoad #LeatherandLaceCD
Keywords: Rock Music, Classic Rock, Rock and Roll, Rock Song, 80s Rock, 80s Rock Music, Rock and Roll Music, Rock Bands, 80s Rock Bands, Classic Rock Bands, Song Home In A Week Or Two, Band Lock and Load, Leather and Lace CD